Overcome Burnout. Rise Above Autoimmune Conditions.
Live Your Best Life.

Extreme fatigue. Digestive discomfort. Pain management. Weird symptoms. Upsetting diagnoses. You don’t have to just “live with it” and power through everyday life. 

You can feel so. much. better. In fact, you can feel free. Where symptom flares rarely occur and the burnout cycle becomes a thing of the past.

Here you discover the key steps that will help you bridge that gap between how you feel now and how you want to live - energized, thriving, and loving life.

Sara A. / NYC - Embodiment Coach (formerly Tech Executive)

“Prior to finding Megan, I was seeking out more balance in my life, especially with regards to eating healthy, feeling well, and enhancing my daily energy.
I needed support with remaining conscious of the small daily habits I had, that when added up were leading me to feel lethargic, sluggish, exhausted, and out of shape.
During our time in partnering together, I became very clear on what gets me off balance, whether it's the habit of consuming junk food I don't want because I feel sad at my job, or because I'm traveling or undergoing other type of change. In other words, through coaching I have become more clear than ever about how my internal states impact my behavior.
Megan helped me to gently notice what was out of alignment for me and helped me redirect with healthier and conscious habits in the direction of my goals. Because I have such big career goals and creative projects I work on around the clock, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. By being mindful of the habits in my life, and discerning what is serving me from what is not, I became able to protect my energy and move in the frequency of my goals.
As a result of partnering together, my self-awareness and self-compassion have expanded.”

Hi! I’m Megan | Certified Holistic Health Practitioner & Autoimmune Advocate

As a former corporate executive with multiple autoimmune conditions, I spent way too many years hyper-focused on the next rung of success at the expense of my health - navigating burnout and ignoring what my body really needed.

Eventually I found functional medicine and integrative practitioners who empowered me with how to connect with my body, which allowed me to learn how to minimize aches, pains and brain fog, regulate my nervous system, and have more energy. 

This journey inspired me to empower other women to do the same. It’s my speciality to help you step on this path -  to banish burnout, regulate your nervous system, and transform your health so you can either avoid an autoimmune diagnosis or thrive alongside your autoimmune conditions.